2024 Ridgway Chainsaw Carvers Rendezvous

Ridgway’s annual Chainsaw Carvers Rendezvous, featuring carvers from around the globe, will be held at the RIDGWAY MILLS CAMPGROUND, 206 W. Main Street in Ridgway, Pennsylvania, April 24th – 27th.
What began as a small event to showcase the art of carving designs and figures into wood with chainsaws has grown to well over 20,000 spectators annually! Visitors have an opportunity to meet and talk with carvers, participate in how-to demonstrations, purchase pieces, watch demonstration and enjoy entertainment, food and spirits.
This year’s featured carver is Travis Burrows. His bear in a log was the inspiration for this year’s shirt. Shirts are for sale at the event – but they go quickly, so plan on attending early!